New Sleek & Satin Materials

Matte Black Acrylic 1

The Expanded Acrylic Selection Gives You More Laser Cutting Options

We love getting feedback on all the designs you’re laser cutting. One request has been more thickness options for acrylic. “Ask, and it shall be given to you!”

Previously only available in 3.0mm thickness, now matte black acrylic has been added to the NZ catalog in 6.0mm thickness and to the USA catalog in 5.6mm thickness. And as an extra bonus for those stateside, a thinner 1.5mm white acrylic has also been added to the USA materials lineup, giving you even more design options for your next laser cutter project.

Thicker Matte Black Acrylic (USA & NZ)

We love a shiny black acrylic, but there’s one downside: Fingerprints. When you’re making a product that will be handled a lot but you still want a pristine finish, matte black acrylic (a.k.a. frosted black acrylic for kiwis) will repel those pesky smudges and keep your items looking new for longer.

See what we mean with this comparison. Matte/frosted black acrylic is on the left with conventional shiny black acrylic on the right.

Matte Black Acrylic 2 - Fingerprints Comparison

While we’ve offered matte black acrylic in 3mm for some time, you’ve requested a thicker sheet. Now 5.6mm is available in the USA and 6.0mm is offered in NZ. These more substantial sheets provide stronger parts and more depth for projects that need it.

How does this thicker matte black acrylic look when real world products are made? Check out this keyboard that showcases the material’s functional depth.

Matte Black Acrylic 3 - Keyboard

On the other hand, these signs illustrate aesthetic depth.

Matte Black Acrylic 4 - Signage

Keep in mind that the matte finish is only frosted on the front side; the back is shiny. When designing 3D products, you’ll want to ensure that all exterior sides have the matte finish (which will require flipping parts of the design). We actually found this out the hard way, as you can see where the left side of the assembled display stand is shiny where the right side is matte as intended. #fail!

Matte Black Acrylic 6 - Display Stand

If you have some laser cutter projects in mind for matte black acrylic, USA-based peeps can find all the details on 5.6mm sheet here. For those in NZ where the sheet is 6.0 mm thick, read all about what makes this frosted black acrylic special here.

Matte Black Acrylic 7 - 6mm Sheet

Thinner White Acrylic (USA Only)

White acrylic is a staple is our materials lineup. Adding a 1.5mm thickness option to the existing 3.0mm inventory caters to more versatile project needs. Unlike the matte black above, this white acrylic has the conventional shiny finish on both sides.

When building electronics enclosures, not all boxes must be heavy-duty. Sometimes a less bulky design works from a functional standpoint because it’s easier to mount switches and ports, plus it’s visually appealing.

White Acrylic 1 - Electronics

Using a thinner sheet for earrings and other jewelry pieces can be advantageous because it’s lighter, which is nice for function and comfort, especially for larger statement pieces.

White Acrylic 2 - Earings

Coasters don’t always require a thick material to be effective, so using a thinner material can save money. This can mean more profits for you if you’re making a product to sell.

White Acrylic 3 - Coasters

If you see 1.5mm white acrylic in your wildest making dreams, learn more about it here. (Only available in the USA catalog at this time.)

White Acrylic 4 - 1-5mm Sheet

What Will You Laser Cut With Thicker Matte Black Acrylic & Thinner White Acrylic?

With the expanded acrylic selection, what laser cutter projects will you make? If you need inspiration, check out these  50 laser cut engineering projects to build a business on or these 150 amazing laser cutter projects to inspire you. Whatever you decide to make, share your ideas in the comments below. We’d love to hear about it!

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