Let’s Work Together To Keep Everyone Safe
Traditional supply chains have run dry of face shields. It’s time to make them locally—whether it’s just one or 2,000,000.
This is where you come in.
Health Problem / Solution
People with COVID-19 can spread the virus by coughing. A standard mouth/nose mask alone may not provide enough protection. A face shield is an additional barrier, reducing the risk of viral transmission via airborne droplets.
Supply Problem / Solution
“If we run out of personal protective equipment, we cannot treat people with COVID-19, full stop,” says Dr. Michael Warner. “That means we can’t even enter their rooms, let alone give them medication, give them meals, put breathing tubes in or provide them with any type of care.”
The lack of masks is putting people in danger because they do not have adequate face protection and this is slowing down COVID-19 testing and treatment. Millions are needed.
But it’s a big risk for you to take a customer’s order for say 100 when traditional suppliers require you to place a minimum order of say 1,000 (leaving you with 900 to distribute in due course). Ponoko enables you to order just one at a time, with large discounts for volume.
Who Is This Face Shield For?
It’s for our front line healthcare workers (and anyone wanting an additional safety barrier). You can contact them directly, or via their infection control department, materials department or front desk. Also their friends and family.
How Do You Get These Out There?
First, contact your local healthcare workers, their friends, families and medical facilities (see BIG list here showing those in need around the USA) and ask if they need face shields.
If so, apply for our $1M Credits Program, then get making and distributing.
You could also put these up on your website for anyone to order.
While it’s important you make a margin to fund the continuity of your operations, do not charge $50+ for these just because you can. Our cost to you ranges between about $1.50 and $4.00 depending on your volume. So if you applied a traditional manufacturer / wholesale / retail model to this, your wholesale price might be about $3 to $8, and your retail price about $6 to $16, depending on volume. These are competitive market prices, and you’ll avoid being wrapped over the knuckles for being naughty.
What Can We Supply You With (Now)?
Our cloud-to-robot laser cutting service enables you to fill orders on demand, from one to 10,000 parts at a time, no stock required by you.
To place an order on our website you’ll need these two things:
1. Designs
Upload these medically reviewed Ponoko-ready face shield designs for healthcare workers.
These designs come from an open source project that has been vetted by Gui Cavalcanti’s Open Source COVID Medical Supplies medical team.
The face shield has just four parts:
A. Clear shield.
B. Adhesive backed brow foam.
C. Elastic band.
D. Plastic bag to pack these three parts into.
2. Materials
Use this 0.02″ / 0.5mm clear PETG to make the clear shield.
To complete the product you will also need to source the following:
* Adhesive backed brow foam.
* Elastic headband.
* Zip lock plastic bag.
What Can We Supply You With (Next)?
We have supply of adhesive backed foam, the elastic headbands and plastic bags to ship you everything you need to fulfill your orders.
UPDATE Wed April 8th 2020: It took us a while, but you can now buy the fully assembled product here (2 million ready to be made) to speed your distribution efforts.
UPDATE Fri April 10th 2020: We’ve made over 35,000 shields and donated more than $50,000 to the cause. THANK YOU!
Take Care
Please do not make anything if you or someone in your home is sick (even if it’s just a small tickle in your throat). And ensure your process is clean, including letting materials sit for three days before distributing.
Are You A Healthcare Worker, Friend, Family Member Or Medical Facility?
You can order just 1 (to 2 million) face shields on our new social enterprise website. If you wish to find out more, please contact us (use “covid” in your subject line) with your location and needs. We’ll make it happen.
Ponoko Worldwide Customers: Are You Ready?
We believe this shortage is solved fastest by you acting locally right now, one healthcare worker and medical facility at a time.
Please give your local healthcare worker a call and if they’re in need, go ahead and apply for our $1M credits program and get making. Fast.
Finally, please continue to help us flatten the curve as we do all things to keep you, our team, suppliers and operations safe through this surreal time.
A Notice From The Designer Of This Shield
This face shield design and specifications are being provided as a free service to the community during this public health emergency. Individuals or organizations that manufacture face shields utilizing the design and specifications are responsible for any federal or state regulatory requirements that apply to the manufacture of face shields intended for medical use, and are responsible for informing health care providers to which the masks are supplied that they are responsible for decisions regarding appropriate personal protective equipment for their personnel. Individuals and organizations are free to use, copy and share this design and specifications, but may not assert ownership in the design and specifications, ownership of which belongs to the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and/or the individuals who created the design. EXCEPT WHERE SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED BY LAW, NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE OFFERED FOR THE FACE SHIELD DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.